Tiny Tales: The Mermaid’s Song
Sunday, May 26th @ 11:30AM
Location: Temple Garden
The pixie dust returns to the gardens this spring, as we embark on our third mini adventure! Join us on Sunday, May 26th at 11:30AM as we share the story of a little mermaid who longed to see the world above. And in true “Tiny Tales” fashion, this story is shared in a new, interactive way! You’ll meet our Mermaid Princess, her Sailor Prince and three other magical friends for our show, followed by a meet & greet with all of our attending characters.
AND, as a special, magical bonus…all of our guests will get the opportunity to meet Guinevere, the garden fairy who can only be found at Whistling Gardens. She will greet you at the gate, and join you for the meet & greet after the show!
Cost:Adults (18+) – $20+HST
Youth (3-17) – $25+HST
Kids (0-2) – FREE
Registration: Tickets can be purchased at the following link https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/tiny-tales-the-mermaids-song-tickets-857077410607
For all inquiries: xtheglassslippercompany@gmail.com
Company Information: www.theglassslippercompany.ca